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Item #0000101780

Dreamland (2000)

from Fedoskino by Ivan Romashov
6.50" x 5.00" x 1.50"(16.51 x 12.70 x 3.81 cm)

Gallery Price: $ 995.00
Internet Price: $ 895.00
None currently available
They say sometimes we dream in black and white. But how about shades of brown? This box shows a beautiful woman with long hair at rest, with all of her night time visions floating around her. Tiny faeries, butterflies, romantic interludes, a calm lake, a girl playing the harp, a crescent moon, and birds sitting on branches are all painted in her imaginative world. The woman herself is quite lovely and her shoulder dissolves into an iridescent piece of mother of pearl. Now, back to this palette of brown, which in all honesty has never been known for its dazzle or excitement. In this case, though, its soothing tones work quite well and are very fitting for the scene, which depicts this quiet time of relaxation and rest. The box has a gold line ornament around the sides. It is made out of high quality papier mache and has a hinge. The interior is traditional red. It sits on four very tiny felt pads. The box is signed at the bottom of the composition with the name of the artist, village and year. It was done 10 years ago and is in fine shape all around. A beautiful box that is also refreshingly different.

Lacquerbox Condition Ratings

Surface Condition (exterior) Surface Condition (interior/bottom) Box Materials and Soundness Hinge and Lid Placement Signature Total Rating Mother-of-pearl Condition

(Each category rated 1-10. For low scores, look for explanation in the description of box. In general, any total rating over 40 is excellent. For more information on rating system, click here.)

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