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Item #0000101990

The Little Humpbacked Pony (c.2008)

from Palekh-style by Anonymous
4.75" x 0.75" x 2.75"(12.07 x 1.91 x 6.99 cm)
Inspired by the fairytales:
The Humpbacked Pony

Gallery Price: $ 145.00
Internet Price: $ 110.00
None currently available
The scene depicted on this box precedes all of Ivan's future trials: the golden-maned horses he and his brothers had just sold to the king, escaped his new master and ran back to him! The king is in awe and proposes Ivan to work in his royal stable. Ivan's brothers and the royal chamberlain, all shown on the left, are angry and bewildered at how a fool like Ivan could be so successful. The artist made great use of bright colors in this work to create a vibrant, full of life painting. Every figure seems to have been caught in motion: The golden-maned horses, and Ivan's loyal friend - the little humpbacked pony - are busy stomping their hooves while Ivan is pulling on the bridle to calm them; the king is wringing his hands; the chamberlain stretches his arms out and leans back in disbelief, while Ivan's brothers both seem to be proving something: one crossing his arms and the other holding his hand up in the air. The artist managed to create a dramatic effect here that makes one feel the tension of the scene without even knowing the story.
The box itself is made of high quality papier mache. It sits flat without legs, and has a top hinge. The interior is classic red. With the exception of slight fading on the side ornament, the
lacquer is in very good condition. The bottom of the painting is signed with the name of the composition and the village.

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