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Item #100701

The Gardener (2003)

from Palekh by N. Kurkina
3.75" x 1.13"(9.50 x 9.50 x 3.00 cm)

Gallery Price: $ 395.00
Internet Price: $ 365.00
None currently available
A jolly gardener snips deep red roses from the glorious tangle of their mates, gathering them in a basket over one plump arm. Shiny silver shears in hand, the gardener gazes intently into the riot of blossoms in search of one last matching flower. Several in deep pink gaily adorn the gardener's floppy straw hat. Subtle shimmers of gold and silver adorn the blooms, as well as the gardener's voluminous clothing. A bundle of twine for tying up fallen vines, and a white hankie for wiping sweat from glistening brow peek out of the front pocket of the sensible green apron protecting the gauzy white shirt. A patch of brilliant blue sky is visible beyond the bower, echoing the shade of the gardener's neckerchief. A minimalist black lacquer background sets a dramatic stage for the bright mass of flowers. Roses appear in nearly all of their natural shades, from deep reds and purples, to bright coral and yellow, to palest blue and white. Several tall stalks of lilies keep them company, in crisp white and yellow. A free form golden border rings the sides, its airy swirls accentuated with shapes reminiscent of birds in flight. This box is made of high quality papier mache and is signed on the lid with the title, artist's name (N. Kurkina), village, and date of completion. There is no hinge, and the interior is red lacquer. The base of this piece is flush. A charming piece.--BOX1201

Lacquerbox Condition Ratings

Surface Condition (exterior) Surface Condition (interior/bottom) Box Materials and Soundness Hinge and Lid Placement Signature Total Rating Mother-of-pearl Condition

(Each category rated 1-10. For low scores, look for explanation in the description of box. In general, any total rating over 40 is excellent. For more information on rating system, click here.)

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