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Search for Books on Russia at The Book Escape

Make-an-Offer Day

First Wednesday of every month.

Make us any offer on this day and don't feel guilty about doing so! Reasonable offers will be accepted, ridiculous offers will be considered. Offers can be made by email to or by calling us at 443-602-9899. If by email, we will try to respond to your offer within a couple hours. If we accept it, we will not sell to anyone else, even if their offer is higher.

Questions and Answers about Make-an-Offer Day

Q: What constitutes a reasonable offer?

A: There is a good chance that your offer will be considered reasonable, and therefore will be accepted, if it is between 5 and 10 percent off our low internet price. In general, the longer the box has been on our site, the more flexible we are in accepting an offer.

Q: What constitutes a ridiculous offer?

A: Ridiculous offers on the boxes are usually offers which ask for a higher percentage off. But make the offer anyway!!! We refuse to be offended on this day and you may be pleasantly surprised if we accept your offer. (And if we don't accept it, we'll try to let you down gently so that we don't offend you!)

Q: I want to make an offer on a box that has been on your site a long time, but I'm afraid that people think it's ugly and that nobody wants it.

A: We pick out the boxes on our pages ourselves using our head and our heart. Anything that doesn't meet our high standards will not be put on these pages. As a Russian artist once told me, "every box has a different fate" and there can be any number of reasons why an older box has not found a home yet. In fact, we still have a couple boxes from previous years which we consider wonderful works of art.

Q: If I make an offer that is not accepted, will you make a counter offer?

A: If we are fairly close in price, yes. If we miles apart, then probably not. It takes us a while to determine our minimum prices and if we feel that we are indeed miles apart, we'll probably just politely decline the offer without giving a counter offer.

Q: Occasionally you have other sales or promotions at your website. Can I use them in conjunction with my offer?

A: No. Offers stand alone and are not connected and cannot be used with any other sales or promotions.

Q: Is there any profit for you and why are you doing this?

A: Sometimes we wonder! But don't worry about us, we'll manage. In any case, one of the reasons that we are doing this is to keep things moving on our web pages. Change is indeed good and we often have to remove some of the boxes from the site to make room for the new ones coming in.

Q: I made an offer but haven't received a reply.

A: If it's between 8 A.M. and 10 P.M. E.S.T. and you haven't received a reply within 3 hours, send us another email or call us. It doesn't happen often, but occasionally, email gets lost in the shuffle on this rather hectic day. Of course, sometimes it's a system/internet problem, too. If you haven't received a reply after sending it twice, better call us.

Q: It's not the first Wednesday of the month, but I'm interested in a box and would like to make an offer. May I?

A: Sorry, but we are only accepting offers on this one day a month. However, with our low internet prices, you are assured of getting a great price every day of the month.

Q: I'm going to your gallery in Baltimore. What kind of deal can I get there?

A: A wonderful deal. Identify yourself as an internet user, give us your email address, and we will give you our lower internet price on the piece. (And if it the first Wednesday of the month, yes, we will gladly entertain your offer.) We try to give special treatment to our internet customers because we know that our store is always as close as your computer - when you think about buying that special Russian lacquer box, we want you to think about us.

Travelling to Baltimore or Washington, DC? Come see and purchase
from our collection in person. We have a special section for these items
inside our main store The Book Escape at 925 S. Charles Street in Baltimore.

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