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Artist Profile - Ilya Zudin

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Ilya Zudin was born on 6 February 1967 in the village of Fedoskino and graduated the Fedoskino art school in 1988. From 1997-2000 he participated in shows in Moscow at the Central House of Artists. In lacquer miniatures he likes to depict figures of people in traditional Fedoskino style. When possible, Zudin tries to bring some recognizable folk and traditional Russian symbols into his pieces. Zudin likes to do portraits, as well. He is not only a talented artist, but he also published a textbook in 1997 called The Technique of Fedoskino Miniature Drawing which serves as a general guide for students studying the techniques of Fedoskino painting. Besides lacquer miniatures, Zudin challenges himself by doing oil painting, icon painting and etching of portraits on stones. In his free time he is interested in medicine and archeology. Zudin is a bachelor. One of his favorite foods is fried fish in "polish" sauce. His father is also a Fedoskino artist, as well.

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